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Content Marketing Strategies for Small Business5 min read

Content marketing is a solid strategy that works great for small businesses. It consists of creating and circulating it through different platforms to get better reach, engagement, and brand awareness. This blog consists of top 5 content marketing strategies that will help you gain more customer attention and grow your business online. 

  1. Create Engaging Posts

With so many new content marketing trends, creating engaging content remains at the top. By producing different types of content, you can keep your readers engaged and also increase brand awareness. Here are the various content formats you can experiment with –

  1. Blogs & Articles: These are the most common and traditional content types. By publishing value-added content, you can provide your audience with helpful information related to your industry. For instance, if you provide carpet cleaning in Roseville, you can create blogs & articles about carpet cleaning trends and helpful tips. 
  2. Infographics: It is another popular content type. The information is presented in a simple and creative way using attractive visuals. It intends to deliver the information quickly and clearly. 
  3. Ebooks: Just like regular books, these are digital books that contain detailed and long-form knowledge of a particular topic. These are helpful for brand awareness and lead generation. 
  4. News & Press Releases: It is another conventional method that still works great. You can share press releases about different offers and exciting news in your business. It helps grab customers’ attention. 
  5. Optimize Your Content

Although you create helpful and engaging content, it is necessary to do search engine optimization of your content. It will help your content to perform better on search engine results and gain more customer attention. Some must-do optimization steps are – 

  1. Keyword Research: Find relevant and highly searched keywords and try to include them in your content. It will increase the searchability of your content. There are several keyword research tools that will help you find relevant keywords for your content. 
  2. Content Formatting: Make sure you present your content in a simplified format. Use appropriate headings to do so. Keep the paragraphs and sentences short. Also, consider using bullets, tables, and data representation tools wherever necessary. 
  3. Improve Readability: Make sure your content is easy to understand for your audience. Avoid complex phrases and sentences. Check for grammatical errors and rectify them. Use images wherever required for a better understanding of readers. 
  4. Optimize Meta Tags: Meta titles and descriptions are important for SEO. Try using focused keywords in both of these tags and keep them concise and short. 
  5. Improve Linking: Try adding suitable internal and external links in your content. These links improve the navigation and CTR (click-through rate). It also helps search engines crawl your pages more rapidly. 
  6. Promote on Different Channels

Content promotion is a strategy that helps your content efforts get noticed by a broad group of audience. With different promotion mediums, you can attract your potential customers and increase engagement on your content. Some helpful content promotional channels are – 

  1. Email: By incorporating email marketing, you will get more content views, leads, and conversions. You can start a weekly or bi-weekly newsletter and share your content through emails.  
  2. Guest Posts: Lots of websites let you publish your content on their websites. Apart from that, they also let you include links of some helpful pages of your business websites. It not only promotes your content but also creates quality backlinks for you. 
  3. Social Media: It is another popular platform that works great for content promotion. Consider the example of a small business providing carpet cleaning in San Marcos. You can create accounts on different social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, etc., and promote your content. 
  4. Online Communities: Various online platforms like Quora, Brainly, Yahoo Answers, etc. let you share your thoughts on different topics. These communities are a great way to prompt your long as well as short-form content. 
  5. Focus on Visual Content

With the rise of visual search, businesses must focus on the use of visual content. According to stats, visual content works better than text content. It also leads to higher engagement and a lower bounce rate. Here are the different types of visual content that you can consider –

  1. Images: The most common form of visual content but works best. You can use different images on your websites and blogs with proper descriptions and alt tags. It helps you rank higher on the visual search results. 
  2. Videos: Incorporating videos is the best way to attract new customers and increase engagement. You can create different videos like tips, guides, client testimonials, and before-after and post them on your websites as well as social media sites. 
  3. User-Generated Content: Images and videos created by your customers work better than anything. Suppose you run a business, providing carpet cleaning in Cape Coral. You can share user-generated content created while using your services. It can be also used as social proof and included in your content strategy. 
  1. Keep Updating & Repurposing 

With a rapidly growing world, every industry keeps involving. You can take this opportunity to use it as a strategy. Instead of creating fresh content every time, you can update your published content with new data and ongoing trends. It will keep your content up to date without taking much effort. 

Repurposing is a great way to produce fresh content with less time and effort. You can also repurpose your existing content. Suppose you have several informative blogs and articles, you can convert them into infographics, ebooks, presentations, and videos. Similarly, old social media posts can be used as background for new posts. 

Krishna Yadav

Krishna Yadav

Krishna Yadav is known for his two startups Infibusiness Solution and Branding Marketing Agency ( BMA ). He is an entrepreneur & has expertize in organic SEO, Branding, Content Marketing, and PPC. His clients operate in industries ranging from home services, IT services, saas, marketing, and advertising.

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