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SEO Guide: Why It’s The Best Marketing Channel For Your Business? 7 min read

SEO-Guide-Why-Its-The Best Marketing Channel For Your Business

“SEO” As Marketing Channel: The Real Organic Leads Machine

In this SEO guide, we will help you recognize how you can implement SEO on your business, why it’s the best marketing channel, and how you can get the most out of it!

 SEO helps you to reach a larger audience, drive more traffic and customers to your website, and increase your website’s visibility on search engines. If you adhere to google guidelines, you will be way ahead of your competitors.

Here are some reasons why SEO is the best marketing channel for your business: 



SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing channels available. It requires minimal investment in terms of time and money, yet it can yield a high return on investment over time. 

Reach A Larger Audience:

 SEO gives you the ability to reach a larger audience than other marketing channels. With SEO, you can target users who are already searching for the type of product or service you offer. This means that you don’t have to rely on other channels to drive customers to your website. 

Increased Visibility:

 SEO helps you to increase your website’s visibility on search engines, which makes it easier for potential customers to find you. This can lead to more organic traffic and customers, as well as increased brand recognition and awareness. 

Long-Term Results:

 SEO provides long-term results, which means that you don’t have to constantly invest time and money into other marketing channels. Once you have optimized your website for SEO, you can reap the benefits for a long time. 

Pros & Cons Of SEO


Minimal Investment:

 SEO is a cost-effective marketing channel because it requires minimal investment in terms of time and money, yet it can yield a high return on investment over time. 

Organic Reach: 

SEO allows you to target users who are already searching for the type of product or service you offer. This means that you don’t have to rely on other channels to drive customers to your website. 

More Visibility:

 SEO helps you to increase your website’s visibility on search engines, which makes it easier for potential customers to find you. This can lead to more organic traffic and customers, as well as increased brand recognition and awareness. 

Long-term Results:

 SEO provides long-term results, which means that you don’t have to constantly invest time and money into other marketing channels. Once you have optimized your website for SEO, you can reap the benefits for a long time.



 SEO can be time-consuming and requires a lot of research and effort to be effective. It can take months to see results from SEO, which can be discouraging for some businesses.


 SEO can be very competitive, especially for popular keywords. It can be hard to rank for certain keywords, and it may take a lot of time and effort to reach the top of the search engine rankings.

Algorithm changes:

 Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, which can make it difficult to stay ahead of the competition. SEO requires constant monitoring and optimization to stay ahead of the curve.

For Ecommerce:

Ecommerce businesses can benefit greatly from SEO because it can help to increase organic traffic and customers, as well as build brand recognition and awareness. 

Optimizing your products, and categories alongside blogging can really benefit you in means of converting your traffic into paying customers.

You can set up google analytics with goal completion according to your needs, preferably on add-to carts and purchase button counts.

How to Create Goals in GA4

There are two ways we can create goals in GA4:

With Google Tag Manager

In the GA4 dashboard

Today, we’ll be setting up our goals directly in the dashboard under the Events tab.

1. Open Google Analytics and go to the “Admin” section at the bottom left side.

2. Navigate to “Events.”

3. Select your preferred GA4 property.

iLkOAT FnF2WOD7MQgRXENQ9fgkiK5oPKIFaYXKrHRkbCw66jRyjr12B0dG4Pn8ittSUFbho7PZGv2rEXiTZ9sqjh1Y6ICoxxwGtNKa01spx3g4DMFpCo15JNFT1BaeV0g i7g szBau FdP7bwNtLc

4. You can toggle the basic one’s already listed there like “first_vist”. Or Click “Create Events” to create a new customer one for you.

5. Set up and check using the tag assistant chrome extension.

SEO can help eCommerce businesses target users who are searching for specific products or services and can help to increase conversions and sales. 

SEO With Digital Marketing:

Marketing strategies accomplish more when Digital marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand, as SEO can help to conquer steady rankings to generate organic leads, digital marketing helps you generate leads from day one. 

Here is one of the most popular digital advertising channels;

These can help you create a successful digital campaign to overcome your business expectations.

SEO With Social Media:

With Social media, you can create brand awareness and communicate with your customers as easily as possible. Social media platforms and communities help you find out the pain points your targeted customers are facing, and you can target directly the cause.

Social media also helps create social signals for your brand that also helps your SEO campaign. It can help to increase the reach and visibility of a website on social media platforms. 

With tools like buzzsumo, you can easily track all the trending topics around your industry and contribute your part.

Social Media can also help to ensure that your content is more easily discoverable, which can lead to increased brand recognition, awareness, and traffic.

Basic Fundamentals Of SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential part of digital marketing that helps your website to get found by potential customers in search engine results.

 SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO can help you to drive more qualified traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and ultimately generate more leads and sales.

Maximizing ROI With SEO

If you’re looking to maximize the return on your SEO efforts, there are a number of ways to do it. 

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a powerful tool for online monetization. By optimizing websites for users and crawlable to search engines, businesses can increase their chances of attracting organic traffic and converting it into paying customers.

Search Traffic Calculator

The calculator takes into account your current profit per conversion and calculates the expected CTR gain per 2 position improvement on page 1, giving you a clear picture of the potential increase in traffic and conversions that can be achieved through SEO. 

With the Organic Search Traffic Calculator, you’ll have the information you need to make data-driven decisions about your SEO strategy and take your business to the next level.

By using an SEO calculator you can measure the potential return on investment from SEO efforts. 

Lead generation with SEO, blogging ad revenue with SEO, affiliate marketing with SEO, and e-commerce selling with SEO are all great ways to make money with SEO. 

By using these tactics together, businesses can maximize their online visibility and profitability.


SEO conversion involves using tactics to increase the number of visitors who convert into leads or customers. You can use tactics such as A/B testing, personalization, and optimization of landing pages. SEO calculators can help you to measure the monetary value of your SEO efforts, so you know how much money you’re making from your efforts.

Organic Lead Generation With SEO:

 It involves using tactics such as content optimization, keyword research, and link building in order to attract more visitors to your website.

Blogging ad revenue with SEO involves optimizing your blog posts for search engine visibility, so they show up higher in search engine results pages and attract more visitors.

Affiliate marketing with SEO involves optimizing your website and content for search engine visibility so that your affiliate links are more likely to be found by potential customers.

Google Ads With SEO:

 involves optimizing your website and content for search engine visibility so that your Google Adsense ads are more likely to be seen by potential customers. Ecommerce selling with SEO involves optimizing your website and content for search engine visibility so that more potential customers find your products and services. Local SEO consulting services involve optimizing your website and content for local search engine visibility so that more local customers find your business.

By implementing these SEO tactics, you can maximize the return on your SEO efforts and make money with SEO. With the right strategies in place, you can increase brand awareness, generate more leads, and drive more qualified traffic to your website.

Rabee Khan

Rabee Khan

Rabee Khan has led 100s of successful SEO campaigns in the most competitive verticals like SAAS, health, finance, and law. He's also helped 100s of agency owners scale by systemizing their SEO. Search Executive with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. Skilled in Business Planning, Interpersonal Skills, Analytical Skills, Advertising and Marketing Strategy.

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